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烤肉、海鮮、輕食、甜點輕鬆上桌 ~~


我的好朋友在台南開酒吧,最近終於和交往多年的女友結婚啦 !!


依約定時間來到他經營的酒吧外時,我以為我走進什麼鄉村風party的活動現場,想不到我朋友在他的酒吧外面巷弄舉辦了小型的鄉村風外燴吧來跟左鄰右舍分享他們的喜悅 ~~




我朋友說他從他們結婚時的戶外婚禮茶會到今天的鄉村風慶祝吧都是請台中知名的 “ 歡樂派 “ 提供優質的外燴餐點服務,專業提供生日慶生、戶外婚禮、公司會議、抓週、Buffet自助餐、雞尾酒會等等各式派對服務,餐點從中西式美食、異國料理再到各式經典和創意甜點應有盡有,也有提供場地佈置服務,且價格平易近人,我朋友還說昨天的戶外婚禮茶會賓客們反應都很好,讓我朋友對此非常的滿意呢 ~~


在下午茶的這個時間當然要來點可口的甜點啊 ~~
先來個草莓生乳捲和甜甜圈當開頭吧 ~~
草莓生乳捲非常濃郁好吃哈哈哈 我的愛~~




炸蝦可頌也很吸睛,我還沒吃過類似的料理,當然立馬吃一個啦 ~~


還有蝦仁番茄鹹派,這我吃了3個… 因為太好吃了…蝦子很大隻又新鮮,不是放那種泡水的蝦仁喔。








竟然吃得到牛排 !! 太令我驚艷了 ~ 超讚的啦


 台中外燴finger food




蠻多人都吃很多,就能知道歡樂派的餐點有多受歡迎,現場的人員一直補餐,服務非常好 XDD


到了晚上,歡樂派還會亮起可愛的燈飾讓整條巷子非常溫馨 ~~


感謝我朋友在婚禮後舉辦下午茶會,讓我們在忙碌的日子裡有一個悠閒的下午茶時刻 ~~

喔!對了,還有歡樂派優質的餐點和擺設佈置也讓我印象非常深刻 ~~
讓我們一起祝福我朋友永遠幸福快樂 ~~




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    Get started with Bitcoin New Bitcoins are created as part of the Bitcoin mining process, in which they are offered as a lucrative reward to people who operate computer systems that help to validate transactions. Bitcoin miners — also known as “nodes” — are the owners of high speed computers which independently confirm each transaction, and add a completed “block” of transactions to the ever-growing “chain.” The resulting blockchain is a complete, public and permanent record of every Bitcoin transaction. Bitcoin exchanges have a checkered history. Mt.Gox, once the largest exchange, shut down in 2014 after losing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoin after a hack. That consolidation set up Bitcoin for a strong run in 2013 when it began to attract more notice outside a niche audience of techies and hobbyists. The world’s first Bitcoin ATM was installed in Vancouver, allowing buyers to change fiat money for crypto. By the end of January, Bitcoin’s price had already risen to more than $20. The momentum built from there, as interest spread.

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  39. But as you know, you can’t predict baseball. That’s a beautiful thing, right? Nevertheless, you know what you can do in baseball? Start giving out end-of-season awards in columns like this one — columns that will inspire millions of Americans to ask: Craig Kimbrel (25 1): Closers don’t often win the Cy Young, but closers aren’t often as dominant as Kimbrel. The 25 1 odds seem long enough for it to be worth taking a chance his unbelievable numbers become a national story and the Braves win enough to let him rack up saves and strikeouts. More money has been bet on Ohtani to lead baseball in home runs than any other player at Fanatics sportsbook. The over under on Ohtani home runs during the regular season is set at 39.5 at Caesars and has attracted balanced action.
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