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    Prognosis: The Tar Heels will likely be deciding whether or not to accept an NIT bid by the time the ACCs hit the semifinals. THE FLATS – No. 20 Georgia Tech women’s tennis heads to the 2023 ACC Tennis Championship this week, opening play in the second round against 10th-seeded Syracuse on Thursday. First serve is slated for 12:30 p.m. at the Cary Tennis Park. The winner will advance to the quarterfinals and face No. 2-seeded Duke on Friday. Williamson finished with 17 points on the day, tying for a game-high. Bobi Klintman showed out in his first postseason outing, totaling a career-high 17 points while grabbing 11 rebounds. It was the freshman’s third double-double of the year, also becoming the first Wake Forest freshman to record a double-double in an ACC tournament game since Tim Duncan back in the 1993-94 campaign.

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  37. Binance on the other hand offers the widest selection of cryptos in the world, with over 600 assets listed on their global platform. It is important to note however, that the Binance US trading platform offers less assets than their global platform for regulatory reasons. As at time of writing, Binance US currently offers over 100 tokens, which is less that Coinbase for US investors. Coinbase earns the highest rating in the analysis and is followed by other US and European crypto exchanges that were established in the years following the emergence of Bitcoin and have been meeting stricter regulatory standards. These include New York-based Gemini, which was founded by the Winklevoss twins of Facebook lore; London-based Bitstamp; and San Francisco-based Kraken. Want to jump straight to the answer? Coinbase is better for its user interface and Crypto is better for crypto rewards.
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  38. The Los Angeles region has hosted the college football championship four previous times in 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2014. For more specifics of this matchup, including where and how to watch on ESPN+, read on. For more College Football news, analysis, opinion and unique coverage by FanSided, including Heisman Trophy and College Football Playoff rankings, be sure to bookmark these pages. The game was born as a result of 1992 conference expansion, which saw Arkansas and South Carolina become the first members added in SEC history. Under NCAA regulations, a conference with 12 members may play an additional football game to determine its champion, provided the regular season is played in divisions. The participants of the game will be determined during the eight-game regular season conference schedule as the teams with the best overall SEC winning percentage in each division.
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